Sunday, December 10, 2006

Supporters of Mark Olson Write Letters to the Sherburne County Citizen

There's a new crop of LTE's to the Sherburne County Citizen today.

This letter accuses other letter writers of a "reckless abuse of our freedom of speach."

Several editorials have stated that our Rep. Mark Olson used a public defender at taxpayer expense. Did the publishers of this nonsense even think to do a little research first? Or, did an ulterior motive obscure their judgement such that they couldn’t even call Mark to verify the facts?

Well, I interviewed Rep. Olson, and learned that a private attorney approached him at the courthouse and offered his services for free with the option of having Mark retain him later if he liked. I also learned from a judge that one must meet certain income guidelines to qualify for a public defender.

...The news reports I read at the time said Mark Olson had a "court-appointed attorney". The letter goes on to make this point...

Shall we bow to their attempts to try Mark Olson in the lawless court of public opinion, and in so doing lay to waste the US Constitution and the due process that it guarantees? Even with its many flaws, I prefer our legal process to the despotic rule of public opinion, because we have seen that in their attempts to influence the public, certain people cannot limit their editorials to the confines of decency and truth.

That's ironic... On the issue of equal rights for gay citizens, Mark Olson said the majority should decide, not the courts.

More letters HERE.


Hal Kimball said...

I may be there! Keep up the great work! I love your stuff!

Avidor said...

Thanks, Hal.

Anonymous said...

"That's ironic... On the issue of equal rights for gay citizens, Mark Olson said the majority should decide, not the courts."

I don't think Mark would like a decision by the Majority right now, ie. for example HIS own caucus that dumped him.

Put your wife down once, SHAME ON YOU-put your wife down twice, restraining order and counseling-put your wife down thrice, jail and counseling.

I think Mark had better be hoping for one of those "activist judges".

Has a fund been set up for his wife and family? If so could you please post it here or link? Thanks.