Thursday, October 11, 2007

Pod-Pushing "Dysfunctional" Daventry Disrict Council Reponds to Criticism

Chris Millar, leader of Daventry District Council defends his promotion of Personal Rapid Transit in his LTE in the Daventry Express:

"Be positive about Pods"

IT IS pleasing to note the positive worldwide interest created in Daventry by our recent Transport Conference and Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) Showcase event.

This can only be good news for Daventry district with respect to future investment prospects both from the private and public sectors.

The concept of PRT in a town environment is very futuristic and I can, therefore, understand the concerns of some to its potential future role in Daventry.

However, the fact remains that future transport provision is an important aspect of our planning for growth alongside affordable housing, retail, education provision, jobs, leisure etc.

It is vital that we improve in the longer term public transport across both the town and district.

There are, in my mind, two options to 'tempt' individuals out of their car.
One is to 'tax' them out via higher fuel prices, car tax, congestion charging and high car parking charges.
Or secondly, and certainly far more challenging, is to provide a viable alternative transport option to the car – hence our interest in the concept of PRT.

If a viable, environmentally friendly option was available then I personally would have no problem with the current high costs of motoring!

Cllr Chris Millar
Daventry District Council

But, the controversy won't go away...

Today's article in the Daventry Express:

'Get off our backs and give us a chance'

By Alice Dyer

DAVENTRY Town Council has hit back at claims it is 'dysfunctional'.
The comments were made in last week’s Daventry Express by Chris Millar, leader of Daventry District Council, following the shock resignation of town mayor Alan Gauton.

He also said there must be something ‘rotten at the core’ of the body, and called for council members to stop squabbling and start serving the public.

Lynne Taylor, town council leader said Cllr’s Millar’s comments were ‘totally unfounded’ and ‘inappropriate’

“To seek to denigrate a public authority and its members without any direct knowledge of the manner in which it conducts its business is improper,” she said.

Mr Gauton quit his role as mayor and chairman of the council because he was unhappy with how the authority was being run.

His departure followed a

string of councillors and staff members quitting the authority.

Cllr Taylor admitted the town council had suffered problems recently, but added Daventry was being served by a ‘dynamic’ mix of people dedicated to serving the public.

“So Daventry District Council get off our backs. Give us a chance to show what we can do for the people of Daventry,” she said.

The town council, which currently has five empty seats, was set up four years ago to look after services like hanging baskets, Christmas lights, the war memorial and allotments. It receives more than £300,000 a year of taxpayers’ money.

....hmmmm.... I wonder if any of that money was spent hosting the PRT pod people conference?

and what did the resignation letter of the former Mayor of Davantry say about the District Council?

"It would appear to be dominated by a self-interest group. This cannot be right, or in the best interests of our community and the people of Daventry."

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