Monday, August 18, 2008

Olson's Endorsement in 16 SD Exposes Rift in the Republican Party

Good posts at Liberal in the Land of Conservative and MN Publius:

Gary Gross, blogger at Let Freedom Ring left this comment at MN Publius:

As a GOP activist, I recognize the endorsing convention’s right to endorse the candidate of their choice. What Michael & I did, however, was voice an opinion that this endorsing convention made a poor decision, one which we vehemently disagree with.

As for Jason Lewis, he doesn’t speak for my type of conservatism. He’s a neanderthal.

As for Michael, I’ll trust him because I’ve dealt with him over the past several years. He’s hard-hitting but he’s accurate. When he writes something, it’s accurate.

My thoughts on Mr. Landry? Methinx he’d better do better research before jumping in the ring with Michael.

Finally, Lewis talks about the elitists having it in for Rep. Olson. What’s interesting is that I’ve heard from lots of low-profile activists from across the state. They agree with Michael & I. They think that the endorsing convention got it wrong.

Are these low-profile activists elitists too? They are by Mr. Lewis’ standards. Forgive me if I’m not presuaded.

Jason Lewis is a "Neanderthal"?


UPDATE: Lloydletta has an interesting post titled "Sen. David Senjem Disputes Kumpula's Account".

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