Sunday, May 07, 2006

Mark Olson's Green Party PRT Connection

The wacko fringe of the Republican Party promotes Personal Rapid Transit and the same is true of the wacko fringe of the Green Party. A reader sent me a tip about anti-LRT and Pro-PRT resolutions in the Minnesota Green Party Platform.

Go here.

Two proposals support PRT

#55 is by Margaret Beegle.

#9 is Dick Gronning's. It includes a poison pill that asks that all support for other "technologies" be stripped from the platform if the GP doesn't support PRT.

Two proposals apparently are against LRT on University.

#10 and #11.

#12 might be an anti-LRT proposal, same author as #10--it calls for the conversion of rail corridors to trails. It is curious to me that 9, 10, 11, and 12 all seem to be potentially anti-LRT provisions.

#33 supports "Commuter Rail," and repeats the poison pill language of Gronning's PRT platform proposal. Interesting.

(Dick Gronning and Margaret Beegle are with the CPRT.)

Speaking of the wacky PRT Greens, I saw Mark Olson's pal Zimmermann riding his bike today in the Mayday Parade. Dave Bicking, another PRT Green was marching in the parade... pictures of both below:

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