Wednesday, September 20, 2006

"Personal Rapid Transit"... Mark Olson Dares Not Speak Its Name

You can read Rep. Mark Olson's weasel-worded letter to the Sherburne County Citizen HERE.

In two previous campaigns, the Olson Volunteer Committee raised money and spent thousands of dollars to publish many reasons why we should not support Northstar and inform people about the misleading taxpayer funded publications that pushed the train. After proposing a better, more comprehensive solution to address Metro congestion and hearing from more people who contacted me to oppose Northstar, shouldn’t I keep faith with my words? I certainly hope so.

So what is that "better, more comprehensive solution"? Why can't Mark Olson even utter the letters "PRT" anymore?

Maybe it was the Taxi 2000 lawsuit last year.

Maybe it was the humiliation of having his idiotic PRT amendment to the 2006 bonding bill voted down 107 to 26.

Maybe it was his pod-pal Zimmermann's bribery conviction last month.

How long will the media allow Mark Olson to hide the truth from the voters of 16b?

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