Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Shrinking Circle: 3 Candidates Reject Personal Rapid Transit

The circle is getting smaller... Olson may soon be the only politician in Minnesota who promotes PRT... at least the only politician not searving time in a Federal penitentiary.

Senate District 41 Julie Risser, the Green Party candidate says:

After researching PRT, reading the Sierra Club's position and the Transit for Livable Communities' website, I have come to the conclusion that PRT is not viable for Minnesota. Minnesota has made a committment to lightrail. We need to continue this committment. The Southwest Corridor is a logical continuation of the lightrail network. We also need to continue our committments to bike paths, side walks, and buses. The Twin Cities is decades behind other metro areas in terms of transit.


Independence Party Candidates distance themselves from the IP platform's PRT plank:

"Lighter moment: Fitzgerald said he opposed government subsidization of personal rapid transit, when asked to cite a major difference with his party."

John Binkowski, the IP candidate in the Sixth Congressional District also rejected PRT.

I would like to see the media investigate why Bachmann, Olson, Vandeveer and Zimmermann promoted PRT instead of treating the issue as a "lighter moment".

A few years ago, there was nothing "light" about the disruptive tactics PRT supporters used to stop rail transit in Minnesota and elsewhere.

Many rail transit advocates remember when PRT promoters used to disrupt meetings about transit. In one memorable encounter, a deranged man interrupted an art workshop my wife and I were giving at Macalester College, shouting that PRT is the “only transportation solution", threw a dozen Taxi 2000 Corporation brochures at us and stormed out.

That's probably what Mark Olson and Ed Anderson really meant when they said that said that PRT was a "disruptive technology" in this article.

Learn more about the PRT scam at the PRT is a Joke web site.

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