Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Rep. Mark Olson Ranked 3rd Worst Politician in the State.
Olson ranked #3 and Bachmann #1 on Hal Kimball's 10 Worst Political Persons in Minnesota list.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Was Rep. Mark Olson Aware of Gary Dean Zimmermann's Daily Marijuana Smoking?
From the Minneapolis Issues:
Mark Olson worked closely with Zimmermann promoting Zimmermann's bizarre PRT Plan for Minneapolis.
If Zimmermann's dope-smoking was "the worst kept secret at City Hall"... how could Rep. Mark Olson not be aware of it?
So it appears from the responses I've gotten (MANY back-channel) that Mr. Zimmerman's marijuana habit was in full force not only during his time as a Minneapolis city council person, but for the 20-25 years prior to that (I am not making an accusation, but merely summarizing the responses I have gotten). Nevertheless, if part of Mr. Zimmerman's sentence involves getting help for his addiction to bud, I think we can safely surmise that he had a problem with the smoke.
This is great. We absolutely get what we deserve. We deserve officials that accept bribes and ineffectual city government, if we're electing chronic dope smokers, which in Mr. Zimmerman's case appears to be the worst kept secret in city hall. So, in addition to taking bribes, this guy regularly utilized a substance that is illegal and contributes to crime and violence and the like. He participated in at worst, and tacitly endorsed at the very best, the very criminal element that is shooting each other all over this city. Thanks, Dean. Really great. Time to spend 2-1/2 years with some of the fellas you supported criminally for the last - years.
Mark Olson worked closely with Zimmermann promoting Zimmermann's bizarre PRT Plan for Minneapolis.
If Zimmermann's dope-smoking was "the worst kept secret at City Hall"... how could Rep. Mark Olson not be aware of it?

Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Mark Olson's PRT Pal Zimmermann sentenced to 2 1/2 Years
Hal Kimball at the Blue man in a Red district blog got the scoop.
More at LloydlettaLloydletta

Personal Rapid Transit is Bogus<
More at LloydlettaLloydletta

Personal Rapid Transit is Bogus<
Monday, December 18, 2006
Mark Olson's PRT Pal Zimmermann to be Sentenced Tomorrow
Gary Dean Zimmermann also has loyal supporters who claim he was not guilty....
Read about it at Lloydletta.

Read about it at Lloydletta.

Saturday, December 16, 2006
Why is "Stretch" Mark Olson Stretching Out the Inevitable?
One answer... from the comments:
It looks like the Legislature will have to remove "Stretch" Mark... what a total waste of time and taxpayers' money... but, "Stretch" Mark has been wasting our time and money for years.
New crop of Sherburne County Citizen LTE's... like this one:
...another letter...
It is obvious why MarkO won't resign.
He is just sucking on the public dollar
worse than a "welfare cheat." He must be
unable to make a real living and has
to hang on with his fingernails to the
public paycheck.
It looks like the Legislature will have to remove "Stretch" Mark... what a total waste of time and taxpayers' money... but, "Stretch" Mark has been wasting our time and money for years.
New crop of Sherburne County Citizen LTE's... like this one:
To The Editor,
A letter to the editor last week made a number of false charges. The writer and others issuing similar editorials containing exactly the same phrases in other area newspapers accuse Rep. Olson’s former opponent Jim Huhtala and the DFL of organizing the effort calling for his stepping down. This is a lie.
Mr. Huhtala and the Democratic Party have refused to take any part in calling for Rep. Olson’s resignation until the courts decide on his guilt or innocence. The people who are turning this into a political issue are some supporters of Rep. Olson. The people who are calling for Olson’s resignation are the leaders of the Republican Party. Former speaker Sviggum, minority leader Seifert and even the Governor have called for Olson to step down.
The chairperson of the Sherburne County GOP and former Olson campaign manager said “no comment” when asked if he still supported Rep. Olson. The House Republican caucus unamimously voted to remove Rep. Olson from their caucus. Republican House members have taken away Olson’s staff, a say in their leadership, appointment to committees and any influence he may have had. It is up to the representatives of the Republican Party and Rep. Olson to decide if he should stay in the office. These writers should have aimed their criticism at Republicans, not Jim Huhtala, the DFL or citizens who took the time to express themselves in letters to the editor.
Mark Olson is not the victim here and the writers, the DFL and its candidates are not his prosecutors.
On the issue of privacy. Like everyone else, an elected state representative gives up his right to privacy when he is arrested and charged with two counts of fifth degree assault and spends two nights in jail and is prohibited for visiting his family. Those of us who are asked to vote for him have a right to know and the papers have a duty to tell us.
Tom Beckfeld
Former campaign manager for Jim Huhtala
Big Lake, MN
...another letter...
To The Editor,
I am very troubled since hearing the charges brought against Mark Olson by his wife, Heidi. Spousal abuse is a very serious crime. It often occurs but is seldom reported because of the stigma with it by often tearing the family apart.
From the news reports, Mr. Olson had problems with abuse previously with a staff member in his legislative office and was ordered into treatment by House Speaker Steve Swiggum. Mr. Olson is reported to have started anger management classes but only attended two sessions.
What a shame that no one followed up to see that he completed these classes. In the matter before us now, he claims he is not guilty but by his own admission, he states that he actually did commit what he is charged with.
This time around, Mr. Olson needs to be held accountable for his actions and abide to what the judge will sentence if found guilty in the case. I don’t know if just probation and classes are enough but certainly, no skipping classes this time around.
Mr. Olson needs to resign from his post in the legislature as we cannot allow to have people who abuse, make the laws that protect families. I certainly hope that Heidi and her children can get counseling and will be able to put this behind them. She and her family deserve better and I hope she can rest assured that the community is behind her and will support her in any way we can.
Mavis Holter
Foreston, MN

Friday, December 15, 2006
Bloggers Cover Mark Olson
Eva Young over at Lloydletta let me know that one of the most-read national blogs, Pam's House Blend had a post on Rep. Mark Olson.
Over at SCSU Scholars, King Banian weighs in on Mark Olson's expulsion from the MN Republican Caucus:
A comment on King's blog:
Speaking of howling mobs... "Tracey" one of King Banian's right-wing fans (and a recent guest on his radio show) has a new blog called "Chris Stewart Resign Now!". Now, whatever you think about the embattled Mpls School Board member, the fact is Chris Stewart... is not accused of committing a crime.. What Chris Stewart did was author an anonymous parody of a candidate on a blog. The same blog did a satire of me... (at least I think it was satire).
So... does the right-wing blogosphere agree that satire is cause for asking an office-holder to resign, but getting arrested for and admitting to throwing ("placing") a spouse on the ground three times is no-big-deal conduct for a state representative?
Over at SCSU Scholars, King Banian weighs in on Mark Olson's expulsion from the MN Republican Caucus:
I spent a little time Saturday on the air discussing the Mark Olson situation. Yesterday a number of smaller Minnesota papers ran a story speculating on Mary Kiffmeyer's return to politics. I'll repeat what I said then, and mean no disrespect to Mrs. Kiffmeyer, who I hold in high regard: Rep. Olson deserves his day in court. The hastiness with which he has been shunted aside by Republicans is unseemly and smells of the panic of a party that hasn't figured out how to respond to badly behaved public officials in their own ranks. If Olson does step down or is expelled, then it will be time for us to discuss Kiffmeyer's return.
A comment on King's blog:
I understand that there is a destestable and obvious double standard at work when politicians get caught misbehaving. Republicans are driven from office, chased by howling mobs of media mavens and liberal loons. Democrats get tut-tutted by the press and given a chairmanship. My question is, why do Republicans have to help so willingly in the persecution of their own? - J. Ewing
Speaking of howling mobs... "Tracey" one of King Banian's right-wing fans (and a recent guest on his radio show) has a new blog called "Chris Stewart Resign Now!". Now, whatever you think about the embattled Mpls School Board member, the fact is Chris Stewart... is not accused of committing a crime.. What Chris Stewart did was author an anonymous parody of a candidate on a blog. The same blog did a satire of me... (at least I think it was satire).
So... does the right-wing blogosphere agree that satire is cause for asking an office-holder to resign, but getting arrested for and admitting to throwing ("placing") a spouse on the ground three times is no-big-deal conduct for a state representative?
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
MN GOP Likely to Seek Expulsion if Rep. Mark Olson is Found Guilty
ECM's TW Budig:
....Mark Olson, however has a different perspective...
...the article goes on to describe what it will take to remove Mark Olson from the legislature...
Two things comes to mind... will Mary Kifmeyer wait as Seifert says could be weeks for the process to play out in a "dozen possible conclusions"?... and what will that process cost the taxpayers?
Expulsion from Legislature possible in Mark Olson matter
Whether Rep. Mark Olson, R-Big Lake, could face expulsion from the House if found guilty of misdemeanor domestic abuse charges against him seems a possibility.
On Thursday (Dec. 7) the House Republican caucus suspended Olson from the caucus.
According to House Minority Leader Marty Seifert, R-Marshall, to vote to suspend Olson was unanimous. It means Olson cannot use House Republican resources, nor vote with the caucus.
If found innocent, his standing within the caucus could be re-evaluated, Seifert explained.
Seifert said he would not discuss the hypotheticals of the Olson case — it could play out for weeks and have a dozen possible conclusions, he explained.
But Seifert also indicated that should Olson be found guilty of domestic abuse charges, that’s crossing a line. “I don’t think the Legislature is a place for domestic abusers,” he said.
....Mark Olson, however has a different perspective...
Olson doesn’t believe his problem reflects on the Republican House caucus.
People make distinctions between individuals and parties — lumping them together is something the media does, Olson recently argued. “It’s not their (the House caucus’) mistake,” Olson said.
Indeed, Olson dismisses the idea that Republican Congressman Mark Foley — a focus in the recent U.S House page scandal — negatively impacted Minnesota Republican candidates last election. “That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard,” he said of the scandal’s influence.
...the article goes on to describe what it will take to remove Mark Olson from the legislature...
The state constitution requires a two-thirds majority vote for expulsion, but is silent in setting thresholds.
A definition of what constitutes an action meriting expulsion is left unaddressed.
Two things comes to mind... will Mary Kifmeyer wait as Seifert says could be weeks for the process to play out in a "dozen possible conclusions"?... and what will that process cost the taxpayers?

Mark Olson Pleads Not Guilty
Mark Brunswick of the Strib reports:
Update: The Saint Cloud Times also has the story... from the comments:
Rep Mark Olson pleaded not guilty on Tuesday to charges that he assaulted his wife during a domestic dispute Nov. 12. In a court appearance that lasted less than one minute, a pre-trial hearing was set for Jan. 19, and Olson left the courtoroom quickly refusing to comment.
Update: The Saint Cloud Times also has the story... from the comments:
I almost think that Olson wants to drag this out as long as possible. Maybe he is hoping that by the time this is all over we won't care anymore.

Sunday, December 10, 2006
Supporters of Mark Olson Write Letters to the Sherburne County Citizen
There's a new crop of LTE's to the Sherburne County Citizen today.
This letter accuses other letter writers of a "reckless abuse of our freedom of speach."
...The news reports I read at the time said Mark Olson had a "court-appointed attorney". The letter goes on to make this point...
That's ironic... On the issue of equal rights for gay citizens, Mark Olson said the majority should decide, not the courts.
More letters HERE.
This letter accuses other letter writers of a "reckless abuse of our freedom of speach."
Several editorials have stated that our Rep. Mark Olson used a public defender at taxpayer expense. Did the publishers of this nonsense even think to do a little research first? Or, did an ulterior motive obscure their judgement such that they couldn’t even call Mark to verify the facts?
Well, I interviewed Rep. Olson, and learned that a private attorney approached him at the courthouse and offered his services for free with the option of having Mark retain him later if he liked. I also learned from a judge that one must meet certain income guidelines to qualify for a public defender.
...The news reports I read at the time said Mark Olson had a "court-appointed attorney". The letter goes on to make this point...
Shall we bow to their attempts to try Mark Olson in the lawless court of public opinion, and in so doing lay to waste the US Constitution and the due process that it guarantees? Even with its many flaws, I prefer our legal process to the despotic rule of public opinion, because we have seen that in their attempts to influence the public, certain people cannot limit their editorials to the confines of decency and truth.
That's ironic... On the issue of equal rights for gay citizens, Mark Olson said the majority should decide, not the courts.
More letters HERE.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
For Mark Olson's Supporters, It's a "Kin" Thing
An LTE in the Sherburne County Citizen:
...a comment on the Saint Cloud Times message board:
"Mark Olson is one of our own, a native of Sherburne county. To deny him is to turn our back on our own kinsman in favor of mob rule."
...a comment on the Saint Cloud Times message board:
"The Olson family has roots going back to the mid 1800's. Their familys have been the back-bone of the Big Lake/ Becker area serving on school boards, township supervisors etc. What Olson did was terrible however do we need to bash him in this forum? Iam sure in the long run he will do the right thing."

Like His PRT Pal Gary Dean Zimmermann, Rep. Mark Olson Refuses to Quit
From the Saint Cloud Times:
Looks like Mark Olson will follow the example set by his old PRT-promoting partner Gary Dean Zimmermann... he will go down kicking and screaming, dragging his party down with him like Zimmermann did. Zimmermann e-mailed his supporters to announce he is scheduled to be sentenced on the 19th of December.
What a sad and sordid end for these two PRT-promoting politicians... remember those heady, optimistic days when the future of PRT in MInnesota never looked brighter? Remember the breathless reporting of Taxi 2000's open house when Rep. Mark Olson and PRT guru J. Edward Anderson unveiled the shiny red pod to the media?
From the moribund Taxi 2000 website:
I wonder if reporters will interview Fridley's J. Edward Anderson about what happened to Mark Olson and Gary Dean Zimmermann?
Check out the new J. Edward Anderson Wikipedia page (before the PRTistas take a meat-axe to it).
ST. PAUL — Rep. Mark Olson is heading back to the Minnesota Legislature next month, despite being suspended from the House Republican caucus.
The Big Lake Republican said he hasn't heard from House Minority Leader Marty Seifert, R-Marshall, and doesn't understand a decision he announced Friday that fellow House Republicans had decided to cut ties to Olson, who faces domestic abuse charges.
But the suspension of his caucus membership won't affect his plans to continue representing House District 16B, which includes Becker, Big Lake, Clear Lake and Zimmerman, he said.
"I have a lot of support and I don't see any reason why this would keep me from being able to represent people," he said. "It just won't look good for a while."
Olson is due in court Tuesday in connection to his November arrest. According to a criminal complaint, Olson is accused of shoving his wife and leaving her with bruises.
The decision means Republicans won't supply Olson with staff, support or allow him to caucus with them. The office of House Speaker-elect Margaret Anderson Kelliher, a Democrat, will decide Olson's committee assignments, office and staffing.
Olson said he was waiting for instruction from Kelliher's office but would press on.
"Maybe it means I'm an independent now," he said. "I don't know. I've always been sort of independent."
Looks like Mark Olson will follow the example set by his old PRT-promoting partner Gary Dean Zimmermann... he will go down kicking and screaming, dragging his party down with him like Zimmermann did. Zimmermann e-mailed his supporters to announce he is scheduled to be sentenced on the 19th of December.
What a sad and sordid end for these two PRT-promoting politicians... remember those heady, optimistic days when the future of PRT in MInnesota never looked brighter? Remember the breathless reporting of Taxi 2000's open house when Rep. Mark Olson and PRT guru J. Edward Anderson unveiled the shiny red pod to the media?
From the moribund Taxi 2000 website:
Over 50 people attended and everyone got at least one ride in the Skyweb Express car. Mark Olson gave a great speech, some of which was quoted in a Minneapolis - St. Paul Star Tribune article by Laurie Blake.
Minneapolis/St. Paul channels 5 (KSTP) and 11 (KARE) featured the story on morning, noon, evening and nighttime news shows. At least a dozen newspaper reporters from as many publications attended and asked good questions. ProMedia video-taped the event, and after editing, plan to broadcast it to about 850 television stations nationwide.
I wonder if reporters will interview Fridley's J. Edward Anderson about what happened to Mark Olson and Gary Dean Zimmermann?
Check out the new J. Edward Anderson Wikipedia page (before the PRTistas take a meat-axe to it).

Friday, December 08, 2006
Governor Pawlenty Urges Mark Olson to Resign
Associated Press:
Looks like all the local news stations will be covering this story tonight.
Mark Olson better take another look at his own campaign literature:
Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty joined in the call Friday.
"If it turns out that he is found guilty or pleads guilty to the conduct alleged, it's just not appropriate for him to be serving in the Legislature," Pawlenty said.
Looks like all the local news stations will be covering this story tonight.
Mark Olson better take another look at his own campaign literature:

More About Minnesota Republicans Cutting Ties with Mark Olson
Star News Reports:
...Kiffmeyer gives a few hints to Mark Olson about resigning so she can get back into government...
...Mark Olson doesn't seem to get Mary's message...
...the article goes on to list a few more reasons for Olson step aside for Kiffmeyer...
From the City Pages:
If Olson resigns, Kiffmeyer seen as possible candidate
by T.W. Budig
ECM capitol reporter
Minnesota Secretary of State Mary Kiffmeyer will leave office in January, one of the victims of the Democratic wave that swept many Republicans from office.
But a chance for Kiffmeyer to step back into elective office might open soon.
...Kiffmeyer gives a few hints to Mark Olson about resigning so she can get back into government...
Kiffmeyer, though reluctant to talk in specifics about the Olson situation, said she is seen as a possible replacement for Olson.
“There’s been lots of folks calling and talking and wanting us to do that (consider running for the House) since, I think, the day it happened,” said Kiffmeyer, of Big Lake.
Olson was arrested Nov. 12.
“I think we ought to be fair to Mark Olson and not jump the gun yet — I think it’s a matter of being fair and respectful,” said Kiffmeyer.
Yet Kiffmeyer indicated that if Olson is found guilty of domestic assault, as a practical political matter she doubts whether he could remain in office.
Beyond this, Olson’s family situation is more important than the politics, she said.
...Mark Olson doesn't seem to get Mary's message...
Olson, while refusing to answer “hypothetical” questions, explained that he didn’t see why he should consider doing anything different in his political career at this point.
People are innocent until proven guilty, he said.
There is a lot of misinformation out in the public about the situation, he said.
“I feel it grievous that my family has to go through this,” he said.
Olson said the media has insulted his family — knocking on the door of the family home, bothering his wife.
By the grace of God, he goes on day to day, Olson said.
...the article goes on to list a few more reasons for Olson step aside for Kiffmeyer...
A Republican activist prior to running for the office, Kiffmeyer’s husband, Ralph, served in the Minnesota Legislature.
“She’d be an automatic win, I think,” said House Minority Leader-elect Marty Seifert, R-Marshall.
Seifert — who has not spoken to Kiffmeyer about a run for the House — said Kiffmeyer would bring to a House race universal name recognition, an ability to raise money and a generally conservative political view.
From the City Pages:

Minnesota Republicans Cut Ties With Mark Olson
KSTP Eyewitness News reports:
Olson says he'll hang in there.
UPDATE! More from Minnesota Public Radio:
Seifert turns up the heat on Olson:
It will be interesting how the Saint Cloud Times, the Star News and Sherburne County Citizen report this.
There's a thread on this latest development at Democratic Underground.
Minnesota House Republicans are breaking off ties with a fellow GOP legislator facing domestic abuse charges.
Republicans voted Thursday to oust seven-term Representative Mark Olson of Big Lake from the caucus. In short, they won't supply him with staff support or other services. Caucus spokeswoman Jodi Boyne says the move means -- quote -- "Basically, he's on his own."
Olson says he'll hang in there.
UPDATE! More from Minnesota Public Radio:
Rep. Olson dumped from House GOP caucus
by Tom Scheck, Minnesota Public Radio
December 8, 2006
St. Paul, Minn. — Republicans in the Minnesota House have voted to suspend Rep. Mark Olson from their caucus just five days before Olson is scheduled to make a court appearance on domestic assault charges.
House Minority Leader Marty Seifert says caucus members voted unanimously on Thursday night to suspend Olson from the caucus. Olson was not present at the meeting. Olson is charged with two counts of misdemeanor domestic assault against his wife.
The Big Lake Republican is scheduled to be arraigned in Sherburne County Court on Tuesday. Seifert says Olson should be removed from the Legislature if he's found guilty.
Seifert turns up the heat on Olson:
"It's best that Rep. Olson get his personal affairs in order and get through his court situation. And, as I said last week, that if he knows in his mind that he did this then he ought to be out of the Legislature," Seifert said.
Rep. Joyce Peppin, R-Maple Grove, says she voted to suspend Olson from the caucus and will ask him to resign his seat if he's found guilty.
"This isn't one of our Republicans values," she said. "It's not acceptable behavior for any member of the Legislature or for any member of Minnesota for that matter."
Rep. Seifert says he has not spoken with Olson since the incident occurred last month. MPR was unable to contact Olson. He has been ordered to have no contact with his wife.
It will be interesting how the Saint Cloud Times, the Star News and Sherburne County Citizen report this.
There's a thread on this latest development at Democratic Underground.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Mark Olson Wikipedia Page
I put up a Mark Olson Wikipedia page. Already, a PRT promoter from Seattle has "edited" it.
Hal Kimball: "Mark Olson Under Fire!"
Hal Kimball blogs from Annandale, Minnesota. Read his collection of Saint Cloud Times comments at Blue man in a Red district.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Will Rep. Mark Olson Refuse to Step Down if Convicted of Domestic Assault?
The new House Minority Leader Marty Seifert was on Almanac last week and answered a question about Mark Olson this way; "If he's guiity he should leave... We're not going to be like the Washington people and say this is a Republican seat.. highest ethical standards... you're gone."
But, Mark Olson may not go quietly.
The latest issue of the Sherburne County Citizen has this letter to the editor from one of Mark Olson's loyal supporters:
Here's another letter to the editor that asks for Mark Olson's immediate resignation:
More letters to the editor about Rep. Mark Olson at the West Sherburne Tribune .
Will Mark Olson listen to his supporters and resist the calls for him to resign?
But, Mark Olson may not go quietly.
The latest issue of the Sherburne County Citizen has this letter to the editor from one of Mark Olson's loyal supporters:
To The Editor,
I want to tell the people of House District 16B that we have been well represented by Mark Olson. He’s good for America. I know him as a personal friend, and it hurts me to see all the false accusations leveled against him. I admit to being biased in favor of Mark, but any person’s bias does not justify false and libelous accusations. It does not give license to draw hasty negative conclusions based on limited, or false information.
The newspapers have painted Mark as a violent, hot-tempered man. He has been maligned in the press as a wife beater, yet he is not even being charged with that.
I know Mark Olson. He strives to maintain a gentle soul and still has my support. Look at his last campaign as an example. Have you ever seen a negative attack ad from him, or a pattern of angry outbursts in forums or debates? I’ve campaigned with Mark and watched him often take verbal beatings with patience and respect for the people that he is dealing with.
Yes, everyone makes mistakes, but how many politicians do you know will admit their mistakes? When a person owns up to doing wrong, it does not justify the action, but it tells you a lot about that person. Admitting mistakes assures us that we will get the same good representation in the future.
There is a common thread with these false accusations. They are mostly from people who oppose Mark’s Pro-American, limited-tax ideals that this country was founded on. Most of the letters reflect a socialist agenda referring to things like universal healthcare. These editorials have all accused Mark of being guilty of allegations before he has had his day in court and that’s Un-American.
Most married couples have had some type of an altercation, yet it stays hidden from public scrutiny. I am sick and tired of people taking pop shots at Mark and Heidi Olson’s public service. I would like to know what skeletons Mark Olson’s critics have hidden in their family closets, sometimes reflected in the angry, bitter and scornful letters.
Mark Olson is one of our own, a native of Sherburne county. To deny him is to turn our back on our own kinsman in favor of mob rule.
Randy Seeley
Clear Lake, MN
Here's another letter to the editor that asks for Mark Olson's immediate resignation:
To The Editor,
In his most recent letter to the editor of the Sherburne County Citizen, Rep. Mark Olson claims that “a respectful and detailed response will be forth coming as the process permits,” and “public pressure and scrutiny are blessings for which I am truly grateful.” He must think his constituents are stupid and know nothing about domestic abuse and denial, while he “prepares” us for explaining away his actions of Nov. 12.
Recall that Mr. Olson, tearfully clutching his bible, asked forgiveness from God, his wife and family, and the public. At the time of his release from jail he said “...I have failed and I want to take responsibility for that. I ask for everyone’s forgiveness in my wrong...” Just what did he fail at, what is his “wrong,” what is he asking forgiveness for?
Is it for his actions Nov. 12 for which he was arrested and jailed?
Is it for his hypocrisy of campaigning for family values, but not living up to them?
Is it for pledging to hold legislators accountable for unethical/illegal activities while stubbornly refusing to be accountable for his own?
Is it for his own irresponsible character after supporting a character education bill in the legislature?
Is it for living a charade, hoping his dark side would not be revealed?
Forgive? Yes, voters can and should forgive Mr. Olson. Forget? No, we should not forget that he was arrested for domestic assault Nov. 12, that he is our elected public official, paid by us to represent us, and that he is relying on a public defender, rather than paying for his own legal fees.
Mr. Olson is making a mockery of his office and position and should resign immediately.
Kenzie Phelps
Clear Lake, MN
More letters to the editor about Rep. Mark Olson at the West Sherburne Tribune .
Will Mark Olson listen to his supporters and resist the calls for him to resign?
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Kiffmeyer Talks About Running in 16B Special Election... Mark Olson's Latest Statements
Sounds like the Minnesota Republican Party is throwing Mark Olson under the bus.
T.W. Budig ECM capitol reporter:
...That's a pretty big hint for Olson to resign... the head of the House Ethics Committee is Rep. Sondra Erickson, a fellow Republican from neighboring House District 16A...
...The article goes on to talk about Kiffmeyer and her political future...
The article ends with a few comments from Rep. Mark Olson:
Mark Olson sounds like he's in huge denial. For one, he didn't enter a plea when he was charged with domestic assault. If Olson's believes now that he is "innocent", shouldn't he change his plea to "not guilty"?
His concern for "his family" also sounds hollow considering he is the person that put them in this situation.
Also this week, Mark Olson's PRT pal Gary Dean Zimmermann announced the date that he will be sentenced for his bribery conviction in an e-mail to his supporters:
Full text of Zimmmermann's e-mail is at the Green Party Gone Bad Blog.
T.W. Budig ECM capitol reporter:
Secretary of State Mary Kiffmeyer will leave office in January, one of the victims of the Democratic wave that swept many Republicans from office.
But a chance for Kiffmeyer to step back into elective office might open soon.
Rep. Mark Olson, R-Big Lake, was recently arrested for domestic assault and though giving no indication that he would resign from the House, Olson’s political future is at best cloudy.
The House Republican caucus has indicated that an ethics complaint against Olson could come from within the caucus.
...That's a pretty big hint for Olson to resign... the head of the House Ethics Committee is Rep. Sondra Erickson, a fellow Republican from neighboring House District 16A...
House Speaker Steve Sviggum, R-Kenyon, stated that if Olson is found guilty of misdemeanor domestic assault charges, he personally would recommend Olson resign from office. Kiffmeyer, though reluctant to talk in specifics about the Olson situation, said she is seen as a possible replacement for Olson. “There’s been lots of folks calling and talking and wanting us to do that (consider running for the House) since I think the day it happened,” said Kiffmeyer, of Big Lake.
Olson was arrested on Nov. 12.
“I think we ought to be fair to Mark Olson and not jump the gun yet — I think it’s a matter of being fair and respectful,” said Kiffmeyer.
Yet Kiffmeyer indicated that if Olson is found guilty of domestic assault, as a practical political matter she doubts whether he could remain in office.
Beyond this, Olson’s family situation is more important than the politics, she opined.
A court appearance for Olson is scheduled for Dec. 12 at 8 a.m. in Sherburne County District Court in Elk River.
...The article goes on to talk about Kiffmeyer and her political future...
A Republican activist prior to running for the office, Kiffmeyer’s husband, Ralph, served in the Minnesota Legislature. “She’d be an automatic win, I think,” said House Minority Leader-elect Marty Seifert, R-Marshall. Seifert — who has not spoken to Kiffmeyer about a run for the House, he explained — said Kiffmeyer would bring to a House race universal name recognition, an ability to raise money, and a generally conservative political view.
Though smiling tightly when considering the necessity of running for office every two years instead of four, Kiffmeyer said campaigning gives her an opportunity to meet with the people. “I love doing that,” she said.
In terms of logistics, Kiffmeyer, who visited all 87 Minnesota counties in her failed re-election bid, sees running a House campaign as much simpler.
“A House district within 30 miles — that would be a piece of cake,” she said.
Olson, re-elected to an eighth-term last election in District 16B, won with 58 percent of the vote.
“That you’re standing at 2 a.m. in the morning having you’re wits about you is a major accomplishment,” said Kiffmeyer, explaining Election Day for her both politically and professionally was a big day.
Kiffmeyer explained her campaign polling had her with a double-digit lead prior to the Congressional House page scandal.
After the Foley scandal broke, her polling showed her lead halved, she said.
Additionally, Kiffmeyer argues that Minnesota voter turnout suggests people, Republicans, stayed home.
“Without (Congressman) Mark Foley, maybe I could have withstood that,” she said.
Her approach to public office is it’s about the work, not about her, said Kiffmeyer.
The article ends with a few comments from Rep. Mark Olson:
While refusing to answer “hypothetical” questions, Olson explained that he didn’t see why he should consider doing anything different in his political career at this point. People are innocent until proven guilty, he said.
There is a lot of misinformation out in the public about the situation, he said.
“I feel it grievous that my family has to go through this,” he said.
Olson said the media has insulted his family — knocking on the door of the family home, bothering his wife.
By the grace of God, he goes on day to day, Olson said.
Mark Olson sounds like he's in huge denial. For one, he didn't enter a plea when he was charged with domestic assault. If Olson's believes now that he is "innocent", shouldn't he change his plea to "not guilty"?
His concern for "his family" also sounds hollow considering he is the person that put them in this situation.
Also this week, Mark Olson's PRT pal Gary Dean Zimmermann announced the date that he will be sentenced for his bribery conviction in an e-mail to his supporters:
"A sentencing date has been set for 1:30 pm, Tuesday, December 19^th . This will take place on the 13^th Floor of the Mpls Federal Court House, the same building where the trial was held. I expect that I will have to report to a prison sometime around January 16^th . Any appeals will be filed at time of sentencing. Right now we have not made any decisions about what appeals may be made or on what grounds."
Full text of Zimmmermann's e-mail is at the Green Party Gone Bad Blog.
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