Wednesday, April 25, 2007

CETA PRTista Emory Bundy & Minnesota Northstar Opponents

From the Anoka County Watchdog:

Update 1/25/06

Issue: Seattle Sounder update

Watchdog readers know of the problems facing Seattle’s commuter rail system.  These problems have been watched closely because of the similarities between the Seattle commuter rail system and the proposed Northstar system.
Recently, the citizen advisory group that oversees the Sounder system has warned that costs could be much higher than estimated.  This was reported in a newspaper article.
Emory Bundy, a long-time observer of the Sounder has sent us both the article and his response to the article.  Bundy’s response is in the form of a letter he sent to the reporter who wrote the article.  Basically, Bundy asserts that the rail advocates lied from the very start about the costs of the project.  He also takes the media to task for failing to thoroughly investigate the lofty claims of rail advocates. 
Both are posted below.  While both are somewhat lengthy, it is well worth the read.  Seattle could be our future (and nightmare) as well.
Posted by the Watchdog

Read about Emory Bundy HERE.

Ken Avidor exposes the "Personal Rapid Transit" boondoggle.

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