Friday, December 28, 2007

The CPRT's David Gow Calls Rep. Mark Olson a "Certifiable Wacko"

Over at the Dump Bachmann blog, the Citizens for Personal Rapid Transit's Seattle representative David Gow ( Mr_Grant) left this comment:

May I make a strategic suggestion? You should be trying to organize a campaign to recall Slappy Olson. He seems to be the most irrelevant politician in Minnesota and a certifiable wacko, it shouldn't be that hard of a sales job.

It looks as if the CPRT has thrown Rep. Mark Olson under the bus... er ... pod.

The PRTistas were much more loyal to Dean Zimmermann. Even after Zimmermann lost his appeal on his bribery conviction, they still have his PRT plan for Minneapolis on their website.

J. Edward Anderson signed a statement of support for Dean Zimmermann calling the former Minneapolis councilman a "political prisoner".

Not very smart of the CPRT to turn their back on Rep. Mark Olson.

Rep. Mark Olson knows a few things. If the PRTistas turn their back on him, he could find the right publisher for his memoirs and tell all about how the PRT flim-flam operates. It might even become a bestseller.

Heck, I might even help him write it.


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