Monday, December 31, 2007

How Old is Personal Rapid Transit?

In the last post I showed a newspaper clipping that showed that J. Edward Anderson has been wasting everyone's time with his "new" and "innovative" PRT concept since the Nixon Era of the early 1970's.

A PRTista cranked up his keyboard to send me what he thought was a correction:

...PRT ideas trace back to the 1950s....

I suppose he means the sort of "futuristic" crackpot gadgetbahn ideas in this 1958 Disney movie:

... I suppose you could go back to Leonardo's sketchbooks to find a mention of PRT... hey there it is:

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.... and look, there's PRT in the caves of Lascaux:

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.... wow, they were working on "new" and "innovative" ideas way back then!

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