If the last session is any guide, that obnoxious, bible-hurling, gadgetbahning nutjob from Big Lake will be wasting everyone's time with endless rants about "character" and the "founding Fathers".
It sounds like the DFL is content to let Olson hang like a rotting, stinking albatross around the GOP neck until election 2008.
ECM's Tim Budig reports that Republicans may lodge an ethics complaint against Olson. Olson's misdemeanor is not enough to deprive him of his seat in the House.
If House Minority Leader Marty Seifert really wants to get rid of Olson, he should look around for more stuff besides Olson's minor conviction for terrorizing his wife. First there's Zimmermann and Olson's attempt to fleece taxpayers with their Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) scam...
... and there's this snarky land deal Olson was involved in.
Back in 2003, Olson signed a purchase agreement for a property in Oak Park. The agreement was contingent on the buyer establishing that the lot was 20 acres and the buyer (Olson) could build on it.
Apparently, the problem was most of the property was swampy. So the owner it seems, found a surveyor who was able to come up with a property line agreeable to Mark Olson's specifications.
The guy on the other side of the property wasn't too happy about the new property line and the dispute landed in court.
Rep. Mark Olson who would rather throw a Bible than read it, obviously follows the Republican Ten Commandments... especially the Tenth Republican Commandment:
"Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods. Hell, no. Just go in and take it."

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