Our view: Olson does not belong at Capitol anymore
Times Editorial Board
He continues to claim he committed no crime despite a jury's conviction and a judge's sentence. He's repeatedly said "no" to a not-so-subtle request from leaders of his (former) political party to resign. Not to mention he wouldn't even talk issues with this editorial board in his last election bid.
Clearly, District 16B House Rep. Mark Olson is a denial machine. So we make this request in the wake of his criminal conviction and recent sentencing for causing his wife fear of bodily harm: Resign your legislative seat immediately.
Presuming yet another denial, we make this request of District 16B voters: Do not re-elect him, should he seek a ninth term in November 2008.
Why our formal call for his immediate resignation supplanted with a nonendorsement in an election 14 months away?
Well, just from the perspective of legislative representation, we believe Olson no longer embodies an effective approach, especially for a fast-growing district such as 16B, the geographic heart of Sherburne County.
While he once held some appeal as a "maverick" legislator, he's really yielded few tangible results considering he's served the district since 1992. And now that he's lost the support of his own party, he's truly become a nonfactor in Minnesota's two-party system.
Really, though, Olson should resign because of his obsession with denial.
The news coverage of the entire domestic abuse case involving he and his wife, Heidi, consistently shows a man who never even offers the slightest hint he did something wrong. He doesn't seem to understand that physical reactions in emotional situations are the textbook definition of abuse and assault. Not to mention such responses are criminal.
Indeed, aside from his unsubstantiated claims of him being the victim, he seems most upset by how the whole situation put his family in the spotlight.
Funny. If he was so concerned about the impact on his family, why did he adopt legal strategies that included multiple delays for trial dates? Or why is he talking about keeping the court case alive through appeals?
Such actions seem only destined to contribute to more public attention on family matters, not less.
But we digress. Ultimately, Olson and his wife, Heidi, who is seeking a divorce, clearly had a troubled four-year marriage.
That in itself is sad, but not a crime. However, the judicial system determined Olson did commit a crime, one certainly serious enough to warrant his immediate resignation.
Assuming he doesn't offer it, district voters must elect someone else come next November. They need a strong, credible voice grounded in reality.
Olson doesn't meet that standard at any level any more.
Not only did Olson abuse his wife, he abused his staff and he abuses the legislature with his idiotic rants and endless blatherings.
Will Olson and his right-wing allies continue to abuse the taxpayers of MInnesota by insisting they subsidize Olson's multi-million dollar, totally ridiculous PRT boondoggle?

H/T Blue man in a Red district.
Ken Avidor blogs about the crackpots and scoundrels that promote Personal Rapid Transit and other gadgetbahn scams.
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