From an essay posted on CETA member Jerry Schneider's silly gadget transportation website:
The author of the essay, a proponent of something he calls Multimodal Personal Transport (MPT) takes a look at PRT and delivers the following verdict on the Nixon-era Morgantown PRT (more accurately identified as group rapid transit - GRT) and the much ballyhooed ULTra:
The Morgantown GRT should be classified as a variant of the high cost APMs, with almost no significance for economical advanced transport design.
ULTra is really an automated automobile running on a curbed roadway, which barely qualifies as a "guideway". It really should be classified with other low-speed, short-range automated variants of automobiles that are not capable of running on a high speed guideway. Thus there is really NOTHING happening with PRT, other than feasibility studies by its proponents. For the reasons I mentioned above,there is also no reason to believe that anything more will happen with classical PRT than has happened in the past.
Are we going to see Mark Olson switching from PRT to MPT?
As the voters in 16b fill up their tanks with $3 a gallon gasoline, I hope they think about the bizarre and bogus scheme that Mark Olson has been pushing at the legislature with Dean Zimmermann.
Is "dorky" an engineering term?
So-- PRT is responsible for the high price of gas?
Note to Readers: Mr. Gow (Mr. Grant) is a PRTista from Seattle and A.T.E. is an anonymous wacko from who-knows-where.
And we're big fans of your work!
And this is one of our fan pages, all about vous: See How They Distort Library
Why isn't ULTra called "Personal Rapid Transit" anymore in recent UK articles?
Something shameful and embarassing about that term?
As opposed to "personalised rapid transit"? Which one councillor then calls "probably the future"--yeah, they're really ashamed of it.
Nice dialoguing with you, Kent!
Oh, I nearly forgot: "PRT Is a Joke" is a Joke!
Say there, Kenley:
I notice that no one in cyberspace other than you uses the term "Personal R_bbit Transit," which you attempted to coin. Now THAT's a cause for shame and embarrassment!
I thought you were a liberal, Mr. Gow.
Why are you supporting Mark Olson?
I don't support Mark Olson. Or your girlfriend Bachmann. But I still support PRT. But your question is just another retread, remember "What part of 'I am not a single-issue voter' do you not understand?" (#899630-899799)? It's the same page where you wrote that liberals should support a candidate just because he posed for a picture with a train (#896998).
PRT is going nowhere in Minnesota.
By pretending that it is, Mr. Gow you are helping Mark Olson.
Only a few right-wingers and a few people in the Green Party still promote PRT.
If you were a real liberal Democrat, you'd support the DFL-endorsed candidate Jim Huhtala.
But, of course your PRT guru, Ed Anderson supports Mark Olson and so will you.
"Swanny", your blog PRT Truth is a phony.
No real PRT proponent would say:
"don't have to ride the light rail with the gang members."
If you think it helps me to create a phony PRT blog, it doesn't.
The real PRT websites and blogs are crazy enough.
Try and smear me all you want, Kern Avisnore! The way I see it (the way lots of people see it!), you have no choice but to go to the personal attack, because your claims about PRT technology haven't a leg to stand on.
My only mistake is thinking that you actually could understand the meaning of "I am not a single issue voter." Too sophisticated for you, I guess.
For everyone else out there in cyberspace, this is what it means: Huhtala would get my vote because, not only is he the Democrat, he's also right on more of the issues than is Olson (Choice, education, progressive taxation, etc.). The only things I agree with Olson on are PRT and, possibly, the septics legislation, I'd have to read the details (but I'm not a Minnesotan, so I prob. won't).
As far as I can tell, Huhtala doesn't even really have a position on PRT, he just supports other modes--fine. I would still be happy to support him.
I also hope, Kon Aviplot, that reading this description of an intelligent balancing of issue-oriented priorities doesn't cause your head to explode.
The See How They Distort Library
"PRT Is a Joke" is a Joke!
(PS- if I'm a PRTista, as in Sandinista, doesn't that make you the right-wing Ollie North-funded death squad?)
yeah, sure.... so why are you guys filling up my comments here with nonsense, calling me up during dinner and blogging about it?
If you want to defeat Mark Olson, you'd stop harassing me and fess-up about what a bogus flim-flam PRT is.
For instance:
What happened with the PRT project for Falcon Heights that was scheduled to go before the Saint Paul City Council in December, Mr. Gow?
Oh Korn, come on now. You're a cartoonist. A.T.E. and I, we're just bringin' the Funny! Where's your sense of humor?
As for Falcon Heights, I'm afraid I never saw that show, nor Lorenzo Lamas' other one. You know the one, don't you? He was a biker/bounty hunter, had a Samoan sidekick, a hot chick managing the paperwork back at the office...
"If you support PRT, then you support Olson! Period! You're either with me or you're against me! Now let's go smoke these PRT terrorists out of their bunkers! We will not rest until we drain the swamp and bring every PRTista to justice!"
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