The legal process is long and complicated but the Green Party upholds the basic tenet of our democratic system that Zimmermann is innocent until proven guilty.
Any public official taking an envelope with large sums of cash is not acceptable behavior even if there was no intention to be involved in bribery and the public official was the target of an elaborate sting operation. No matter what the intentions (or lack of intentions) of such actions, they bring doubt about what the transactions are intended to accomplish.
Over at the web site:
What Dean needs is the testimonials from those he has helped over the years!
I wonder if Mark Olson, Michele Bachmann, Ed Anderson and Dean's other gadgetbahn buddies are going to send in their testimonials?
As always, the trademark Zimmermann request for money, money money :
The Zimmermann for Justice defense committee is holding a potluck fundraiser for the trial expenses. . See the invitation, from the defense committee,(below my signature) that I am forwarding. Even though I have a public defender, a trial like this runs up a lot of expenses. Come, enjoy a great backyard picnic. Zimmermann and his family pay the staggering cost of mounting an effective legal defense].
If Zimmermann has a public defender, why does he need money for "trial expenses"? Why doesn't he mortgage his home like most people?
Somebody forwarded this letter from Dean Zimmerman:
Dear Friends:
I am getting a lot of questions from people wanting to know what’s going on with my case – and what are you doing now? So in answer to all your questions:
My trial starts Monday July 31st , 9am, in the Mpls Federal Court House in front of Judge Ann Montgomery. The trial should last 2 weeks or so. I am confident we will have a favorable outcome, but you never know.
Visitors are welcome in the court room. . My lawyer is Dan Scott, who was head of the Federal Public Defenders for some 20 years or so.
The Zimmermann for Justice defense committee is holding a potluck fundraiser for the trial expenses. . See the invitation, from the defense committee,(below my signature) that I am forwarding. Even
though I have a public defender, a trial like this runs up a lot of expenses. Come, enjoy a great backyard picnic.
As for work, I am back in business as Southside Jack of all Trades. Class A handyperson and home repair specialist. I am spending most of my time and energy working and preparing for the trial. After the trial, I hope to get a little more active in politics again....
Jenny is working for the Mpls Blooms Project (formerly Blooming Blvds) and she has started a home cleaning business and is still looking for more clients.
The trees need watering. The Park Board has trouble keeping up with watering newly planted trees, say all those less that 3 years old. When it gets as dry and hot as it now is, the young trees can get stressed.
If you have a young tree on your boulevard, pull out your hose and water it. Your grand children will thank you.
Dean Zimmermann
"Jenny" I'm assuming, refers to Zimmermann's wife Jenny Heiser who posted this hilarious message to the Minneapolis Issues October 29, 2005.

Learn more about the PRT scam at the PRT is a Joke web site.
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