REMEMBER THIS: Dean has stood & spoken out for all of us – all of his life – about the environment, the Iraq War, organic food co-ops, oppressed communities in Minneapolis, the U.S. and the world, civil rights, human rights, economic justice, social justice, increased democracy, and workers rights. Dean needs all of us to stand with him NOW!
Yeah, right...
Read what Joshua Frank wrote in the Counterpunch article Greens and Republicans.
Here's a record of the stuff Zimmermann did to the environment etc. when he was the 6th Ward Councilman.
A reflection on Zimmermann's sorry accomplishments in office.
Then there is this interesting quote from the PULSE article on PRT "The Road Less Traveled: The pros and cons of personal rapid"
Zimmermann’s party, the Green Party, is however, apparently distancing itself from Zimmermann. Annie Young of the party said, “This is not a Green Party issue; this is Dean’s project. I’m concerned about his relationship to Taxi 2000, and about the time he’s spending on the project and whether he’s meeting the needs of the people in his ward. There are potentially some good things that could come from it, and I see what the point is but I’m not sure the timing is right. There are also a lot of questions about it, like why are the Republicans so interested in it? There are a lot of good alternatives that we should be working on, and there are so many transportation needs to be addressed. I’m just not sure this is the best one.”
Like the zombified chanting AM 950 Air America listeners were forced to listen to on Zimmermann's relentless campaign radio commercials, we will, no doubt be subjected to a mindless public relations blitz that ignores all the facts about the ethics-challenged former councilmann.

He is a gadgetbahner! Burn him at the stake!
Will PRT itself appear as a character witness? "Place your switch in position for a right-hand diverge and repeat after me..."
See How They Distort
"Yeah, right..."
Come on Kenwood, 'fess up: who do you have ghostwriting this blog??? Noam Chomsky? Gore Vidal?
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