Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Comment on Mark Olson: "I am so disgusted and insulted with the blatant lies and deceptions of this Bible carrying bully"

The Twin Cities' media is letting Mark Olson's arrest for domestic assault slip into Orwell's "memory hole". That's a shame. In small towns in places like Sherburne County, the local media rarely covers controversial news. That seems to be what is happening with the arrest of Mark Olson:

From the Comments:

Anonymous said...

It should be pointed out the headline and story “Media Aggressive in their Coverage - Olson Reflects On Assault Charges” in the Citizen was not the main headlines / article on the front page. Rather the Citizen thought the following 3 stories were more important with larger headlines and photos:

1) Clearview (neighboring town) Veteran’s Day program event that occurred before the previous weeks edition (Oct. 10) was more significant - One would think this story was more relevant in the Nov 11 edition????

2) A story about Liberty Paper delivering $250 in Thanksgiving “coupons” - rather a meager gesture considering the city could buy them a $5 million dollar water tower and now pay for the sewer stench created from paper waste

3) and Mark Olson’s brother is starting a new facilities advisory committee for the Public school.

Then the “newspaper” puts in the nice little campaign photo - instead of the crazy eyed creepy mug shot like the other newspapers. The editorial section was devoted in support of deer hunting? There is a reason the paper is free - we’re getting exactly what we paid for.

I’ve been surfing the blogs …. Can’t believe the people who went to high school with the Olson brothers haven’t reflected on their bully behaviors towards younger and weaker students, drug and alcohol abuse, barely passing through high school if not for their Daddy’s influence (and you wonder why he appears functionally illiterate????

Why are people so quick in assuming he‘s capable of reading the Bible - let alone comprehension?). Where does Sviggum come off saying he is a perfectionist - high standards. He couldn’t make it in the housing / contractor market, so he goes off into politics….. And there were record highs and profits (just who we need in the legislation considering Minnesota budget concerns). Also, this helps to explain his financial need for a public defender for everybody who wonders why he’s “chosen” to be a burden on taxpayers.

It’s not surprising he was abusive while in office towards women - he’s the same person a lot of us have known since childhood. He hasn’t changed except in his pretense of finding religion. I am so disgusted and insulted with the blatant lies and deceptions of this Bible carrying bully. Although I bet his ex-aid wished he’d been carrying a Bible the day he needed to find something to throw at her instead of a typewriter.

Another comment:

Anonymous said...

"when I take a hit, my supporters take a hit too.", said Mark.

Well, apparently Mark did not "take a hit" he gave a hit, beating his wife. Or maybe his "supporter" is his wife and she took a "hit", or many hits.

get rid of this guy.

Keep sending me comments and tips. Send letters and e-mails to the editors of the Pioneer Press and the Star Tribune.

Tell them that a man with a history of losing his temper, who has stubbornly refused to plead to a charge of 5th degree domestic assault should not be allowed to serve in the Minnesota Legislature.

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