Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Minnesota DFL Responds to Mark Olson's Arrest

From MN Publius:

To: Interested Parties
From: Jess McIntosh, Communications Director, Minnesota DFL
Re: Rep. Olson
Date: 11/14/06

I’ve received a number of queries asking for our response on the arrest of Republican Rep. Mark Olson.

I’m answering with this instead:

The campaign is over. If it doesn’t move the democratic (small d) agenda forward, we aren’t going to deal with it. The DFL Party gained power with an overwhelming victory last Tuesday. But as Congressman-elect Tim Walz says, “This is not a Democratic mandate. It’s an American mandate.”

We won because we focused on the bread-and-butter issues that matter to Minnesota. No matter what kitchen appliances the opposition ripped up and flung at us, we stuck to the issues. We ran the kind of campaign that paved the way for governing. It was a campaign of inclusiveness and civility. It was everything the Republican Party abandoned when they decided political power was the most important force in government.

So Ron Carey can call on Brian to apologize for the behavior of DFL Rep. Dittrich’s husband, who allegedly removed GOP lawn signs at a homeowner’s request, and the media can pick up that quote and run with it [matt’s note: turns out Dittrich’s husband did nothing wrong, for the record]. And the very next week, when we have the chance to paint Ron Carey and all Republicans with the same flawed brush that was used to create Rep. Olson, we will pass. It is not weakness or passivity.

It was wrong when Carey did it. Just because he set a bad precedent, it doesn’t make it right that Brian follows.

Ron Carey does not need to apologize for Rep. Olson’s behavior. That’s between Rep. Olson, his wife, and God. It is not reflective of the Republican Party and not relevant to the political discourse.

We won last week because this country is sick to death of the depths to which our failed leaders have sunk us. We won because we made America remember how good – how hopeful – things can be. We can have – and, in fact, deserve – effective, responsible, accountable government that works in our best interests tirelessly, with courage and integrity.

The campaign is over. We won. Now it’s time to show everyone what we were fighting for.

Jess McIntosh
Communications Director
Minnesota DFL Party

Then it’s up to the citizens of Minnesota .

Please call and write newspapers and elected officials and ask that Rep. Mark Olson be removed from the Minnesota legislature.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This Olson is not resigning, listen to the statements he made.

He is not out of politics for the foreseeable future, if he lasts he will continue the precedent of
"beat wife, stay elected, bellow about family values and oppress everyone".

The current situation is thus:
This ass shows what our society really believes in,
"Beating people is OK and you are a REAL LEADER if you can BEAT AND GET AWAY WITH IT."