Saturday, November 25, 2006
Olson refuses to step down
By Jennifer Edwards
Contributing Writer
Although he does not expect there will be one, the Sherburne County Democratic Party is prepared for a special election if Rep. Mark Olson resigns from office, says Democrat Jim Huhtala, who lost the recent election to Olson.
“Strange things happen,” Huhtala said. “There would have to be a groundswell from the voters.”
Olson appeared in Sherburne County Court last Tuesday after being arrested by the Blaine Police at a church school in Blaine around 7:45 p.m. Sunday (Nov. 12), on charges he assaulted his wife.
Olson has said he will not resign his position. However House Speaker Steve Sviggum says he will ask for Olson’s resignation if he is found guilty of the two 5th degree domestic assault charges.
Huhtala had no comment on Olson’s arrest, saying, “If it doesn’t move the democratic agenda forward, we aren’t going to deal with it. We’re not just talking politicians here. Domestic abuse is a pretty prevalent issue in our society. The election is over. Mark won. This issue is between him and his wife.”
Chair of the Sherburne County Republican party Mark Swanson said the party would follow their basic political organizational constitution in the event a special election becomes necessary. It would fall to them to nominate a new Republican candidate.
“I can’t say anything about that,” Swanson said. “He (Olson) has talked to our organization.”
When asked if he still supported Olson, Swanson said, “No comment.”
...No comment? That doesn't sound like a vote of confidence....
While there is no official comment, the likely candidate would be Secretary of State Mary Kiffmeyer, who lost her bid for reelection this year.
Kiffmeyer, who lives in Big Lake Township, upgraded election technology while in office and points out that Minnesota leads the nation in voter turnout. She has not ruled out running in a special election.
“I am open to anything,” she said.
...sounds like Mary's going to run.... now on to Mark Olson....
Olson, who is scheduled to reappear in court to answer the charges Dec. 12, spent two nights in jail asked for forgiveness from God, his wife, his family and the public when he was released last week.
Olson declined to enter a plea to the charges and appeared without an attorney. The court appointed an attorney for him. He was released on his own recognizance and ordered to stay away from his wife and family and their home. He was permitted to retrieve his personal belongings.
Olson denies allegations he has been abusive to his legislative aides in the past, specifically throwing a typewriter at a secretary after his first term in office and yelling at his legislative aide in 1997.
Sviggum took away his secretary after the first incident and recommended Olson receive counseling after the second. He attended only two meetings. No legal charges were filed.
Olson initially said this was the first time he had heard these allegations., there were these articles in the newspapers....
“Where is the evidence?” he asked. “Strange things happened about that time. Files were removed from my office. I have no choice in my staff and no way of knowing if they are friend or foe. Initially it was rumors. Now it is unsubstantiated allegations.”
...What is Olson talking about?. He sounds paranoid...
Olson admits he was asked to meet with an employee relations counselor and missed meetings he said he was never told about. He admitted he never wrote letters of apology he was asked to write.
“They had a file they never let me see. I should have had a lawyer then,” he said. “I have never denied anger before and I have struggled with it at times. This is not the time for me to respond to falsehoods. It is a difficult time to communicate with the public. I hope this is resolved in the extent that it can be. The first time I heard about it was at the caucuses.”
Wait! Don't end the article there! The first time he heard about what? and it was at the 2006 caucuses? What is Olson talking about? Too bad the mainstream press is ignoring this story. The Sherburne County Citizen is too small to do an investigation.
Olson has a letter:
To The Editor,
I sincerely want to thank those who took the initiative to write with their concerns about the recent allegations I'm faced with. A respectful and detailed response will be forth coming as the process permits.
It should be noted, given the serious nature of these allegations, I hope writers are careful to not convict with inaccurate information before the judicial process is complete. Public pressure and scrutiny are blessings for which I am truly grateful. Again, thank you for writing.
Mark Olson
Big Lake, MN
There's a letter in support of Olson:
To The Editor,
It’s very disappointing to observe how few letters to the editor - Re: Olson - remember God’s word. Found in John 8:v7 “Let him that is without sin, cast the first stone”, Matt. 7:v1 “Judge not, that you be not judged.”
Romans 14:10 “But why do you judge your brother? Or why do you show contempt for your brother? For we shall All stand before the judgement seat of Christ.” Matthew 5:7 “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.”
1 Samuel 16:7 For the Lord does not see as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
May our hearts be right with God on the day of our judgement.
Elaine E. Martin
Big Lake, MN
Ever notice that right-wing Republicans only quote the Gospels when they get in trouble? On all other occasions, especially when they are going after gays they prefer the Old Testament, particularly Leviticus.
Here's another letter:
To The Editor,
When I read of Rep. Mark Olson’s arrest for domestic abuse I was gravely concerned for the safety of his spouse and children. Domestic abuse often remains under reported as the victim fears violent retaliation from the abuser. I hope the community is supporting Heidi Olson for her brave act.
When I read Rep. Olson’s remarks about the incident, I became very alarmed. “A guilty plea would not be appropriate?” “Placed her on the ground.” Those statements lead me to the conclusion that Rep. Olson is in deep denial of his violent actions.
The inability to acknowledge his actions and recognize violence as criminal behavior lead me to ask Rep. Olson to resign from representing the citizens of Sherburne County.
Jo Weis
St. Cloud, MN
This letter brings up some other concerns:
To The Editor,
I read with interest the Citizen article on Mark Olson’s arrest as well as the several letters calling for his resignation. I agree he should resign, but not only for his domestic dispute.
These things are always more complicated than they might appear at first glance. The warring couple has been separated. That is good. Now we should let justice take it’s course.
On the other hand, Mark Olson should resign immediately because of what he is guilty of in his public life, and that would be hypocrisy on a grand scale. This is a man who is always quick to pass judgement on those who are victims of the same kinds of human frailities for which he has now been outed.
Like Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggert, Rush Limbaugh and most recently, Ted Haggard, Mark Olson should seek help with removing the plank from his own eye before he should ever again presume to be the one to remove the sliver from the eye of another.
In real terms that might mean something like putting the gay marriage issue on the back burner for now while he looks a little deeper into some of the issues surrounding his own heterosexual marriage.
It could also mean examining his claims that others are only after a free ride when he relys on a public defender. Mark claims to be a Christian. Jesus Christ, the namesake of his faith, said “judge not lest ye be judged”. Mark is now experiencing the “lest ye be judged” part of that equation. He says he has no intention of resigning.
That is a mistake. He has not yet been humbled. We tolerate hypocrites, we don’t tolerate unrepentent hypocrites who have been publicly exposed. His days in public office are numbered. The only question is, will he go gracefully. Knowing him and his kind, one would guess not.
Ron Thiessen
Becker, MN

1 comment:
I suppose we must call for Ellison to resign instead of Mark Olson.
Why? Because Ellison did not go to see Prezident W. at a reception, or because he is for uninvading Iraq,
or because...
Yup, we love the beater and hate the beatee, (his wife), and keep trash like this Olson as our leader. He is a Christian and deserves forgiveness, but devil take the rest of us for not taking "personal responsibility".
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